Friday 6 March 2015

examples of ethnic minorities in the media

Levi roots' advert represents his ethnicity as exotic. This is because it is different to the stereotypical view of black males that we have in the UK which is usually negative and linked to crime and drugs. He challenges this stereotype by making a product that people enjoy. However the mise-en-scene of the advert shows him as a stereotypical jamican, with dreadlocks, singing and the clothes that he wears for example open top

Positive and negative racist stereotypes

In Top Boy there a a lot of black gangs involved with very little use of white people. The white character with the biggest role is the main characters best friend, although it seems that he is put in there just because there is a majority black cast

In Men In Black 3 will smith plays a stereotypical black man. In this clip he has travelled back to 1969 America where racism was acceptable. This scene outlines the racism that was there at the time as they believe that he shouldn't have that car or the suit because he shouldn't be able to afford them. However this conforms to the black stereotype as he has stolen the car, which is a racist stereotype used for humorous reasons. Also he has a gun which adds to the stereotype.